by Andre Kurniawan
For music fans buying merchandise is a great way to directly support artists. For me as a music connoisseur, having an official band shirts is a joy in itself and can determine the identity of the fans.
What’s interesting is that while the band only sells their merchandise during the tour, they make special products for the fans who come to the show.
Some collectors might like to keep his band shirts for too long, cause it has more value either from the story, art design or anything that makes it so exclusive.
Observe to the market price of used band shirts, they have no rules about price. I once saw a person selling Nirvana “Heart shaped box” shirt for $3000, very unexpected for that price. But, i think that usually looking back at the collector’s mind and the item just out of production.
The vintage band t-shirt phenomenon was initiated by several musicians such as Kanye West and Justin Bieber who wore old band t-shirts at their events. So, people thought it would be cool to dress like them. Of course, this made sales of band t-shirts increase and band t-shirts were like a new fashion. But, the most important thing is that you have to know what you are wearing.
For those who love your idols, support them by buying merchandise, CDs, etc. This can help the continuity of musicians and you can feel in love with what you buy.
So, Identity or Fashion? They both help keep musicians alive.